Past relationships; for example
within the family, in school, with church etc and most importantly parents and carers,
will play a powerful role in forming the way you are as a person. You will be
the person you are because of the swings and roundabouts from your childhood. Once you are an adult it takes courage and insight to recognise that
you are the builder of your own personality, and to own that you are in charge
of your own destiny.
However, remember that you are who
you are because of what you observed within your family system. You do what you
do mainly because you made decisions as a child and these decisions will be about
yourself; for example you may have decided that you are ‘stupid’ or that ‘you
are not loveable’. You may have decided that other people ‘don’t care about you’
or ‘that others cannot be trusted’. This we call low self esteem. You may have high self esteem in other areas and not in others.
Perhaps you have decided the
world is an unsafe place and view life as frightening or dangerous.
These decisions will have affected the way you then behave, think and feel in
relation to the world around you.
If in order to get on in lifeyou may have decided it would be best not to let others know aspects of yourself. Hidding your own sense of worthlessness. Finding the inner resources
to protect and take care of yourself in all sorts of difficult situations, this is your defence to protect yourself from any future hurt.
The bad news is those decisions
made in order to self protect, in the long term could likely be self
destructive and damaging to both yourself and your relationships in the here
and now. The good news is you can change and you can redecide. You can broaden your
view of yourself, change the way you see others and the world around you. In
other words you can shift from a limited view of life to a great wide open
walkway full of choices.
In order to
improve your relationships with others you must first understand yourself. You
must also learn the meaning of love and Intimacy.
When I considered writing about
love and Intimacy in relationships I instinctively linked them together without
thinking why. I suppose up until formulating ideas for a book I had
unconsciously identified them as the basic concept in any relationship. However
there is a difference. Love conjures up some kind of emotional attachment,
whereas intimacy is a sharing or a closeness of the mind and spirit.
Love is to have a great attachment
to and affection for another. To have a passionate desire, longing and feeling
for another. It is an intense longing or emotion; it’s a feeling of warmth,
fondness and regard for the other person, place or thing.
Love is also about compassion, a deep understanding and acceptance, with love we show concern and empathy for whatever the other is experiencing in the moment to moment interaction and it is a sense of belonging and concern in that moment and generally. I see love as an intelligent energy that wants and seeks unity and pulls towards that unity.
As far as intimacy is concerned it
is a close and warm friendship or a deep understanding personal relationship
and it is characterised by…
A close or warm personal
relationship, a sharing of deep individual and private moments, and it's having
a profound and unusual knowledge of the other or sharing something that is
It is also a way for people to come
together and express authentic feelings without holding back. Intimacy could be
seen as a merging of oneself with the other, not in the engulfing sense but in
the contact sense in any moment when two or more people are seeking to share
with other/s.
I believe that in order to feel
truly close and intimate with someone and to be completely open to love and
closeness one needs to be reasonably self aware, that is able to express oneself
spontaneously, this does not mean shout out the first thing that comes into
your head although that can have a wonderful childlike quality. No it means to
overcome the fear of saying what is in your heart. It means no more adapting to
please, no more being afraid of saying what you want or what you hope for, just
in case the other rejects you.
Many of us are afraid of intimacy,
afraid to love, afraid to be close to another or be dependant upon another. Not
merely with other humans but even with pets. I have heard some say they won’t
take on a dog or a cat because they have short lives and they wouldn’t want to
lose something they have grown to love.
It you have experienced loss and
grief you may have decided, that it was so painful you don’t want to go through
that again and you are able to justify your reasoning with the idea of it being
too painful. So because of grief you may have given up the concept of feeling
love and being loved! Being cautious and fearing the inevitable loss of
something you might grow to love.
- Why get into relationships only for them to end?
- How do I learn to take the risk?
- Do you hide your feelings about others?
- Do you experience scare of revealing what you
really think?
- Do you hold back from showing care and loving
contact because you are afraid of letting the other know how you are
All of the above are more likely to
be about fearing the closeness, and the love and the intimacy which goes with relationships
in case you lose it.
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