Well another one bits the dust! Christmas that is, it's just an endurance test where food is concerned, otherwise it is a truly special time for family and children that I cannot deny. However saying all of that it also seems a time of over indulgence, for many it's a case of too many gifts, and too much food, the build up, advertising and media pressure to spend and to buy, both prior to and after Christmas is all consuming. For those who can afford it, then it seems a time to forget what is really happening around us and for the have nowt's its a time for struggle and trial.
I do not profess to be a religious person and although I hope my philosophy is one of christian values, which I presume to be about loving and giving, I am overwhelmed in my observations that loving and giving seemed to go hand in hand with materialism. Is it a case of the more we can afford to give a loving thing or is it a need to prove how much we have?
What is the philosophy of Christmas? A story of a child born into poverty who must carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, a man born into poverty who never found materialistic riches and indeed never sought it. Mary his mother a girl born from a decent family with clear loving family values, married to a man Joseph who was not the father of her son. What does that say about this family? It says they were happy with their lot, they did not seek fame, or covet things they could not have, they were unsettled only by what their son had to go through which has been for told. Nowadays are we seeking more and more what our neighbour has or what the advertising world want us to want?
I think that maybe I have to take a step back myself from my need to dash to the sales with all my Christmas vouchers, to get rid of all the chocolates that are lying around my house. Right now I feel the urge to reassess my values and suppress the urge to rush anywhere without first making an assessment of whether or not I need to.
My question is what are your values? Maybe rather than making a new years resolutions perhaps we might just take a look at what we are and what we have become and are we happy with it?
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